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From Engaged To Married (The “Wall” Brides-To-Be Must Go Through)


First of all, congratulations on your engagement! In life, everything is clear from a birds eye view from this PDF. Brides-to-be have a lot of tasks that make up the wall and I help with part of their wall.

Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments.

Here’s what we cover:

1. How brides-to-be get over the wall

2. If you haven’t work out in a while and you have so much on your plate, the whiteboard paper is key!

3. Thank you! And I hope you have a beautiful wedding.

Resources mentioned in this video:

1. The “Wall” Brides-To-Be Will Go Through —  download it here.

2. Whiteboard Paper — download it here.

You got this!



Hey, what's going on at that? The key idea here. And in this video I'm going to talk about from engaged to married to wall rise to be my school through. So first of all, congratulations on your engagement. Now let me clap on that. You have the journey had and honestly, congratulations. So from my experience or is like to give everyone a bird's eye view. So let's start. So I always like to start at the end where you're thrilled and you're on cloud nine. So I'm going to put both of you together at the end. Okay, so now that's done. Let's talk about the start where you shocked and you're excited and he actually proposed to you. So I'm going to put you guys at the start. Okay, so the wall, where is it? So the moon and your frame of mind is red. I have the wall, I have phase two and phase three and you move from knee gain, you may close down. So what's a wall and why do brass to be have to go through it. Okay, so first of all, do all is hard and difficult. If you don't have a proper plan in place, but listen, don't worry right now. I'm going to help you with part of your wall. Um, yeah. So your walk can be venues that you have to look at. What guests are you going to invite?

Which way do you plan? Should I choose what, what flowers do I like? And you got to make sure that kick in food is amazing. This is the way I fit in the wedding dress. Well, sorry I didn't pick the dress, but I help brides to be look and feel amazing and their wedding dress. So you have confidence when you walk down the aisle. And Ray, when he looks at you, I must feel like crying, but all right, they focus on the video. This is where I'm going to help you. So sometimes the bright to be wants to get fit, but they say why? They think in their mind that I can't even do a pushup. I die after two minutes on the treadmill group classes remind me of gym class and I hate falling behind and shit I shouldn't have ate that. If you don't follow a simple plan that's right for you, you're end up here.

Yeah, solar, the wall or your mood or your anxiety really brings you down. So this is how you avoid dying. So you like face to wall, but I'm ready. Faith three. Whoa, Whoa. I'm prepared. Yeah, you're going to have a little bit of anxiety, but I'm going to give you a system and strategy for people who haven't worked out. So you move for your white day will be top notch. Ready. Okay. This is key. Don't think you're not fit enough to start. If you can only do two questions up today, that's perfectly fine. Just create a doing three tomorrow. If 10 is easy, double up the next day or spice it up with Spiderman pushups. I just say purchase. But if you're in a class you guys had want to figure out, okay, who's the best here in the class? You want to emulate the hamper in Malay herd.

So that one day I wasn't going to be like, Hey, you know what, this bride to be, she did best, so I'm going to emulate you. So just don't worry where you are now. Just set goals today or tomorrow if running on the treadmill or outdoor killed you, grab your headphone and just jog for the duration of your favorite song. Just infer to song the next day and in a month you'll be constantly to be able to make it to D the entire off. And if you died it Sosa every day this week, just make sure you have a healthy lunch and dinner, fear and anxiety, pry sun that you're moving in the right direction. So just take a deep breath and put on your workout clothes and go to the gym, track a exercise class and you want to track it. You have to think, okay, mine's my wedding. I went to my bachelor, right?

When's my last wedding dress fitting? You got to think of what all of this. One of my mentor told me about this and it's brilliant and I want to share with you is um, it's a whiteboard paper and I shared the link with here is $25 on Amazon and it's definitely worth it. Yeah, my mentor told me that you guys want to have everything big in a place that's very visible in your house for the week. This is how I want you to ready. So at the top right, the date, cause Sunday is where you're going to plan out the week and Ray, two things to do tomorrow, one doc to doc and then the line it. Okay? So at the bottom I want you to write line must be done this week. One dog to dog. You can rate three but I said three by maybe two or maybe you could write for it, but you have to be done this week.

Okay? So now you have to think, and remember this is just an example. Don't quote me on it, but I'm just gonna just say some things. Okay? So one wedding guests has to be done to work out four times this week and three drink six bottles of water every day in the middle. You want to write down all the things you have to do. So now at the top you have to think, Hmm, what things should I do tomorrow? Just to get it out of the way. And when Monday is done, you have to track it. So I mean you have to cross it and honestly you feel good. So yeah, keep it simple. Go slow to go fast. Meaning just make today a little better than yesterday. Do that every day and your week and your month, you'd be like, wow, you did that. You wait to print too beautiful to be bulldozing.

You are, I don't want that from engaged to married. I want you to climb up the ladder so you can pass the law. If you haven't worked out in a while, just do this and you're looking fill amazing a hundred due dates. So congratulations and all the best and Oh does it PDF below. So you have a bird's eye view where you are to where you want to be and where to walk. And on Sunday I want you to take a picture of everything you've done. So when you erase it on your phone, you're going to look back and be like, you know what? I think I got this. I think I can do everything Karthik told me. And honestly, I'm happy for your journey and all the best.