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How To Unlock Your Full Potential

You always wonder why you’re tired in the morning. 

“Maybe I need a new mattress.”

“I should buy new blacked out curtains.”

“What time did I actually sleep?”

“Today I will take a nap.”

“I think it was the room temperature.”

“Should I see a specialist?”

“Tomorrow I’m going to buy a white noise machine and earplugs.

“2 more days until the weekend.”

“I need coffee. Now!!”

...are probably some of the things that bounce around in your head.

You are never ready to tackle each day to perform your best.

It is normal looking for shiny objects and new gadgets to navigate through a hectic, busy world maze.

I am guessing you shower every morning or evening?

If it's an unexciting task.

Thinking differently and taking it one step at a time, will wake you up and give you clarity.

It's simple. 

It’s powerful. 

It’s quick and financially has no cost.

Let’s turn your daily shower into a hidden key to unlock your full potential. 


Shower like you normally would.





There are 4 options.

Whatever you choose, stick to the "hot water before, cold water after" rule.

Also, your body and mind will change (for the better) from day 1 to day 7 to day 14. Taking it one step at a time is where the answers are. 

Option 1: Cold Shower

Once you finish taking a shower.

Stay in the shower and press play on your “shower song” and turn the water as cold, so you are uncomfortable. 

As soon as you can’t take it any more, turn the shower off and remember where you were in the song. Next shower make sure you are at the same point or go a little bit further.

Thinking differently is to focus on the song instead of the water temperature.

Option 2: Contrast Shower

Once you finish taking a shower.

Stay in the shower and press play on your “shower song” and turn the water hot. When the song introduction is over and goes into the first verse, follow the process below.

Intro (HOT) -- verse (COLD) -- chorus (HOT) -- verse (COLD) -- chorus (HOT) -- bridge (COLD) -- chorus (HOT) -- outro (COLD)

Again, wherever you are in the song when you turn the shower off, write or type it in your calendar. Next shower make sure you are at the same spot or go a little bit further.

Thinking differently is to focus on the song structure instead of the water temperature.

Option 3: Contrast Shower 

Once you finish taking a shower.

Stay in the shower and turn the water hot.

Count the number (in your head or out loud) from 1 to 5.

Turn the water cold and count from 5 to 1.

Turn the water hot and count from 1 to 10.

Turn the water cold and count from 10 to 1.

Turn the water hot and count from 1 to 15.

Turn the water cold and count from 15 to 1.

Turn the water hot and count from 1 to 20.

Turn the water cold and count from 20 to 1.

Turn the water hot and count from 1 to 25.

Turn the water cold and count from 25 to 1.

Turn the water hot and count from 1 to 30.

Turn the water cold and count from 30 to 1.

Please remember, if your body can tolerate 1 to 5, 5 to 1, it is perfectly fine. Each shower you will get addicted and go further.

Thinking differently is to focus on counting numbers instead of the water temperature.

Option 4: Cold Shower

Once you finish taking a shower.

Stay in the shower and turn the water mild.

Count the number (in your head or out loud) backwards from 40 to 30.

At 30, turn the water colder and count from 30 to 20.

At 20, turn the water even colder and count from 20 to 10.

At 10, turn the water much, much, much colder and count from 10 to 1.

Thinking differently is to focus on the “almost done” theory, instead of the water temperature.


When you dry yourself, pause for 5 to 10 seconds.

Focus and control your breathing.

Having attention to one thing at a time, gives you more clarity.

The more clarity you have, the more efficient you become, the more positive your mood and energy will be. 

You are unique and know your own boundaries.

Perhaps talk to your family doctor if you have heart issues, open wounds, high blood pressures, or cardiovascular diseases.

In my experience, each of the 4 options make me feel excited knowing that the day has a great opportunity for me, and I hope you also feel the same.
