Caesar Salad

5. Caesar Salad.001.jpeg

Caesar salad for Low Carb (under 20g per serving), High Protein (over 30g per serving) and Dairy Free Diet, in under 20 minutes.

Serves: 2

Prep: 10 mins

Cook: 10 mins

Nutrition per serving:

457 Calories               

24g Fats

13g Carbs 

 46g Protein

What you need:

2 bread slices 

1 tbsp. olive oil

mixed herbs

2 smoked bacon rashers

4 quail eggs

1 tsp. coconut oil

10.5 oz. (300g) chicken breasts

2 big handfuls Romanian lettuce, chopped

For the dressing:

1 garlic clove, crushed

4 tbsp. mayonnaise (low fat)

1 tbsp. white wine vinegar

What you need to do:

Heat the oven to 390F (200C).

Chop the bread into small squares and rub the oil and herbs into it.

Season with salt and bake for 6-8 mins, until browned, turning halfway.

At the same time place the bacon onto a baking dish and cook in the oven until browned and crispy.

Heat the coconut oil in a pan over medium heat. Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper then lay it in the pan.

Cook the chicken for about 8-10 mins turning a few times, until cooked throughout. 

In the meantime, cook the eggs.

Bring a small pot of water to the boil then add the eggs and cook for 2-5 mins.

Rinse with cold water, peel, cut in half and set aside.

Make the dressing by mixing together all the dressing ingredients.

Season with salt and pepper.

Divide the lettuce between 2 plates.

Once chicken is ready, cut it into bite-size strips and scatter over the salad.

Do the same with the crispy bacon and croutons, then drizzle with the dressing and top with quail eggs to serve.

Remember, nothing is as daunting as it looks if you are well-prepared. ✌🏾

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Arthur Kiyaga

Arthur Kiyaga helps high performers & ambitious brides-to-be calm the chaos, lose 2 to 18 pounds and reach new levels of positive energy using C.H.E.F. methods. He makes things super simple to understand. If you're interested to be the best version of yourself and change your life, then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.

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