Carved Neural Pathways


Being the first is always difficult. But you can learn to make your journey a lot faster and better.

Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments.

Here’s what we cover: 

1. It’s a lot simpler if someone have done it before me and shows you the way.

2. Kobe Bryant do it for basketball. I’m not Kobe but I want to give you knowledge if you are stuck.

3. This PDF  ( ) is THE PATH workouts

4. The PDF  ( ) is THE PATH recipe

Resources mentioned in this video:

1. The workouts  —  download it here ( )

2. The recipe — download it here ( )

You got this!



Hey, what's going on. And every morning and every evening after read, and I wrote down this quote, because I want to share with you most of what we do is hard. That's life encountering problems, this encouragement or disappointment isn't isn't admirable. So any knowledge about what can make us better at the things we want to do can be used, not just to make us richer, but healthy and happier in life. And that's by Jeff call Jeff Colvin. So for me, yeah. So for me, the key right here is knowledge and happier life. Now imagine that you're in a forest or a jungle. You have no idea where to go. It takes you about a week or so to not only figure out where to go by, you have machete and you curved, or you're a pathway you cut down under bushes and trees on your way out.

Let's say a week or so. So let's say someone who's walking into the same path. We'll do it in under a day because you pretty much gave him the pathway or the map. And let's say someone who's on a bike would do it in under two hours. And another person who's in a car will do it in much less. I'm saying this because if you're the first person that anything it's very difficult by yourself. But if you have a map and a blueprint that showed you the way, it honestly makes it a lot easier and you go a lot faster. Imagine GPS are ways you put in the address and it's done. You can play music, talk on your phone accidents or construction. Does it bother you anymore? That's amazing. Not like the first person I've talked about and the jungle, the key here is knowledge. I saw this video about Kobe Bryant. And even if you're not into basketball, does a principle that I think could help you. Where did that come

From though? Because you said, I mean, obviously one of the greats, you know, is where you ranked, but I really see, you know, with your Academy out there and thousand, I was like, you open up your doors and your arms for players to come in. And where did that come from? That, that giving back one indicative come from really well. The guys that came before did the same thing for me. You know, I've had really in depth conversations with Jay West and talking about things, same thing with MJ. You know, I've had great mentors, a lodge, one. I've had guys all the time, greets bill Russell. I mean, we talk a lot about how to win championships, how to lead. And so I felt like it's my job to try to pass that information on to the next generation and then see the game develop and see it grow.

So I know you may encounter problems and disappointment, but I really want to share with you the pattern. If you're stuck in an exerciser recipes and you don't want to be the person in the jungle who was first path is for free get path, have workups exercise plans, training plans, progress, diary, nutrition, and recipe packs, what you need and what to do. It's a lot simpler and relax your mind because you know exactly what to do and make you happier in life. I don't want you to be in the jungle crying or panicking. The only thing you can do right now is to figure out by yourself, what address, what destination or what mountain, where you climb. I hope you and your family wall and non sleep. You got this piece.

Arthur Kiyaga

Arthur Kiyaga helps high performers & ambitious brides-to-be calm the chaos, lose 2 to 18 pounds and reach new levels of positive energy using C.H.E.F. methods. He makes things super simple to understand. If you're interested to be the best version of yourself and change your life, then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.

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