How Do You Make A Hamburger?

How Do You Make A Hamburger_.001.jpeg

Have you ever noticed you look in the fridge for a few seconds?

Close the door and glance at the freezer?

Inspect the pantry and minutes go by?

You’re hungry and wondering about something else.

No clue what to eat. 

I call this: “loose intention”.

It’s important and you find it hard due to lack of motivation.

Last week you went to buy groceries.

From going to the store, finding what aisles the foods are in, standing in a long line, going home, washing and placing everything correctly...   

Hours go by.

Yesterday you were in a short line.

The person who was 2 people ahead of you, was talking loudly on their phone and took extremely long to order their lunch.


You try to be respectful but you’re frowning. 

Teeth clamping together.

Muscles tightening. 

Look up to the sky and nod your head.

Wondering if you should go somewhere else.

Today you know exactly what you want and order from your phone.

You're relieved but forgot your sidings. It’s little and big at the same time.

I call this: “time risk”.

It was top priority and things didn’t turn out as expected. 

The same is true in health and fitness. 

You have a loose goal.

The execution is unclear.

Instead of doing, you’re thinking.

Your inner voice is saying:

“I don’t have enough time.”

“You know what, f-it!”

“It’s fine. Let’s skip today because it doesn’t matter.” 

Everyone is unique.

Some people love preparing and cooking.

Feel excited to figure out what to make in the kitchen.

Looking at the menu and thoroughly taking a lot of time. 

When one of my students started with me, she thought the time was way too short to see the results she wanted. Once her momentum built up, she enjoyed the program and it was really easy to fit in her schedule. 

After 10 days she was surprised to look at her progress photos.

Instead of thinking about it.

I want you to do it.

Making eating and training easier for you.

So you can focus on something you absolutely love.

Like a hamburger, speech, or exercise program, an effective process is made up of three components. 

Top bread -- plan.

Toast and/or put condiments on it.

Set a scene and catch the attention of the audience. 

Organize your calendar before the week starts.

Meat -- execute.

Roast or grilled vegan, beef, or chicken.

The message, story, and information you communicate.

Focus on the workout, sleep hours, water, and proper food (for you).

Bottom bread -- results.

Where everything sits.

The conclusion or summary. 

Mirror reflection, clothes fitting, and/or compliments from friends, family, partner, and/or workers. 

When you taste an amazing hamburger.

Hear a profound speech.

See an individual who feels excited, is confident, and has an outlook that will stick with you. 

Ask him or her.

They would gladly tell you and make sure you take action.

This is what I call: “simplicity”.

Not only will it save you time and be effortless.

It will be more fun and rewarding because you have a purpose.


Arthur Kiyaga

Arthur Kiyaga helps high performers & ambitious brides-to-be calm the chaos, lose 2 to 18 pounds and reach new levels of positive energy using C.H.E.F. methods. He makes things super simple to understand. If you're interested to be the best version of yourself and change your life, then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.



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