How To Reduce Anxiety

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When you have uncomfortable symptoms;

All the ideas that occupy your head are destructive.

It might be a traumatic experience.

It might be fear.

It might be anxiety.

It might be an inner emotional scar.

What is your body telling you? 

No need to hold on. 

Right now. Together. We can unlock the gates that suffocate your peace of mind, so you can self organize and self-heal your thoughts. In doing so, you become your own plastic surgeon to remove the scar, anxiety, and fear within you.

It will lift your performance and change how you feel.

When you’re breathing out, release what needs to be released. 40 pounds of heavy weight frustration on your mental back... are gone.

Using “5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Techniques” help control these symptoms by turning attention away from thoughts, memories, or worries, and refocusing on the present moment. 

What are 5 things you can see? 

Look for small details such as a pattern on the ceiling, the way light reflects off a surface, or an object you never noticed.

What are 4 things you can feel? 

Notice the sensation of clothing on your body, the sun on your skin, or the feeling of the chair you are sitting on. Pick up an object and examine the weight, texture, and other physical features.

What are 3 things you can hear? 

Pay special attention to the sounds your mind has tuned out, such as a ticking clock, distant traffic, or trees blowing in the wind.

What are 2 things you can smell? 

Try to notice smells in the area around you, like an air freshener or freshly mowed grass. You may also look around to something that has a scent, such as a flower or an unlit candle. 

What is 1 thing you can taste? 

Carry gum, candy, or small snacks for this step. Pop one in your mouth and focus your attention closely on the favours. 

You are better than what you think.

You’re just the byproduct of your thoughts.

I want you to be happy and this is always available to you, if your mind and body will let it. 


Arthur Kiyaga

Arthur Kiyaga helps high performers & ambitious brides-to-be calm the chaos, lose 2 to 18 pounds and reach new levels of positive energy using C.H.E.F. methods. He makes things super simple to understand. If you're interested to be the best version of yourself and change your life, then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.

Partner/Couples Workout - Part Thirteen


Partners/Couples Workout - Part Twelve