Teacher Or Student?

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The more I know.

The more I actually don’t know.

Life is going to be a never-ending learning process.

Occasionally your body needs to unwind, take a break, and heal. You have a deadline and want to keep going. But you have to listen to your body. 

When you’re resting, you're in fact working. 

The next day or next week things will be fine. 

Using powerful systems and tools, everything seems effortless. You’re being more efficient and have less to deal with. 

Now, work becomes rest. 

It’s hard to be authentic. 

You want to say “yes” and “no” at the exact same time. 

Are you gentle or difficult?

Are you open or private?

Are you participating or observing?

Are you calm or energetic?

Are you shy or confident?

Are you big picture or microscopic?

Are you lighthearted or serious? 

Are you passionate or rational?

Are you a teacher or student?

But are you?

When things go wrong and your emotion is low.

When things are amazing and your intensity is high.

You want to be there for one another in times of need and collect and reset yourself.

By transcending the opposite forces and opposite sides of the spectrum, you can be both and live in the moment.

The student looks and hears what the teacher says and immediately thinks it’s magic or they’re lucky. When really, the teacher becomes a “student” to learn and comprehend a system, strategy, and framework.

A teacher, parent and coach gives information.

However, in order to give reliable and trustworthy information, you have to be a great student, child and player to acquire the skills and knowledge.

To get better in every facet of life, you need help.

By playing devil’s advocate, every day, every hour, and every minute, you can be an awesome teacher and a keen student. You're impressive in one area as well as pursuing skills and expertise you desperately want. Once you conquer your hurdles and obstacles (student), you can reflect on the outcome and assist other individuals (teacher). 

In nature this moment is called: “the waves and oceans are one.” 

Don’t try to quickly demand or force yourself on the waves.

Instead think of them together. Slowly, let the current, wind and sails take you. 

Small changes make large things happen.

There are a few ideas you can learn from me.

Only because I tried and failed more than enough.

There are plenty of things I can learn from you.

Rather than getting trapped in this “yes” and “no” thinking.

In this “binary state” thinking.

In this “I’m not sure” thinking. 

I know you can go beyond it to help yourself, help others that are close to you and help the world. 


Arthur Kiyaga

Arthur Kiyaga helps high performers & ambitious brides-to-be calm the chaos, lose 2 to 18 pounds and reach new levels of positive energy using C.H.E.F. methods. He makes things super simple to understand. If you're interested to be the best version of yourself and change your life, then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.


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