Transform Your Body & Mind

Transform Your Body & Mind - DDUKA

It’s very simple.

Yet, extremely difficult because you don’t want to get embarrassed.

Even if it’s stupid in your head, just ask.

In grade school, Google bootcamp, and stroke hospital I felt awkward because I inquired.

I asked a question and got a wise answer. Afterwards, I was too anxious to ask “why?” or “how?” because I thought it would make me look unintelligent.

However, this is how you develop and improve in health, fitness, business, and life. 

I forget how old I was. 

Possibly grade 1 or 2.

My teacher wanted to know if it’s raining.

I didn’t hear any thunderstorms or see anyone with an umbrella. I looked up towards the clouds and in my eyes, it wasn’t raining. 

I shook my head with boldness.

She came to look at the same window to confirm. She said, “focus your attention on the puddles. See how the puddles have ripples? That’s how I know if it’s drizzling or raining lightly.”

“Oh!” is what I said in my mind.

Right before my bootcamp, a Google employee was talking about her responsibility for her job. In the middle of our conversation, I remember she said, “the (...) team,” and she continued.

The whole time I was thinking:

Soccer team? 

Baseball team? 

Swimming team?

Tennis team?

Looking back, I wished I had asked. It was my first time being at the headquarters and I didn’t want to look foolish.

Once I realized that a great entrepreneur means more than just physically “training” yourself, I focused on putting a solid foundation within my body and mind. 

My paradigm shifted. 

Clearly, I was far less sophisticated than you. After 1 or 2 years, it dawned on me that she was talking about the operation of a company.

Market and communication team. 

Sales, services, and support team. 

Design team. 

Finance team. 

Engineering and technology team. 

People team. 

Legal team.

Strategy team.

Business not athletic team.

In one of our sessions, my doctor said she was going to transform my mind. I was completely lost however, I was ready.

I thought it would take me 10 minutes. 

It took me two years.

1. Count and write numbers 1 to 100. Also count and write backwards from 100 by 7 or 5.

2. Describe and write the steps in performing an activity you know well. For example, cooking or shooting a basketball.

3. Read something backwards, letter by letter.

Not only was I sweating and frustrated, I cried because I honestly didn’t understand what happened to me.

From time to time you need something new to transform you. 

Someone to check on you and hold you accountable.

A small, little reward game or system.

No cup of coffee... 

No looking at your phone... 

No watching tv…

Whatever you like doing.

Have 3 simple things:

Cold shower.

Drink 2 glasses of water.

Sleep 30 minutes more.

Read 4 pages of a book.

Ask 2 questions that you can grow and advance in life.

These are all examples. 

Make sure you have someone in your ear or in your mind to make sure you complete the tasks.

The way you process information right now will change when you ask questions and implement the answers. 

You will think differently. 

You will have more clarity and confidence when you know how to navigate your hurdles.

You will look at obstacles and know that they are not obstacles.

You will take in large amounts of data and over time your mind will organize the details. At this moment it feels like a dance or song you absolutely loved, rather than an engineering equation.

Albert Einstein once said: “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” 


Ask questions.

Consume the information.

Apply the solution and great things will come to you.


Arthur Kiyaga

Arthur Kiyaga helps high performers & ambitious brides-to-be calm the chaos, lose 2 to 18 pounds and reach new levels of positive energy using C.H.E.F. methods. He makes things super simple to understand. If you're interested to be the best version of yourself and change your life, then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.

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