Be Proactive

55. Be Proactive.001.jpeg

I was on a ladder to take a look at my roof and fell. 

When the ambulance arrived, my family was very angry because I shouldn’t have been on a ladder.  

After the hospital dismissed me, I went to a friend's cottage to recharge my body and relax my mind. Suddenly, I lost my balance and slipped into the lake. 

I’m trying to call for help, but my whole body is in the water and slowly I’m going down.

Luckily I saw someone dive in. 

Once they reached out and put their hands towards me, I woke up. 

I’m sweating and breathing heavily, yet I need a sweater.

“Wow!” is what I say in my head.

Having the same dream, everyday, for 3 months makes me anxious when it’s time to go to bed.   

The more I tried to blockout the distraction and be courageous, the feelings would get deeper and more intense in my dream. 

At this point I felt embarrassed.

Being on a ladder and swimming is something people with seizures should not be doing.

I wanted to tell my doctor.

However, I was fearful. I felt the pressure and thought I was trapped in a corner.

Since I had migraines, seizures, and hot and cold flashes I revealed it. 

Her reaction was a lot different than what I had imagined.

She grabbed a binder, flipped through a couple of pages, looked at me with a confident smile and said, “Let’s change your dream.”

The first thing on my mind was: *rolling my eyes* “How?” 

But I was extremely curious to see if she can resemble Leonardo Dicaprio in Inception and I understood that avoiding compound mistakes could have large consequences. 

I said, “Really?” *nodding my head* “OK.”

First I wrote down in full, forensic detail what my dream was like. 

(this was very hard. i didn’t want to think, talk or put it on paper)

Then I wrote down what I wish my dream was like to change the environment.

(not a problem)

She also made me view my dream as just the halfway point to my new sleep time strategy.


- Right before I go to bed, take a piece of paper and write in big letters: “IT’S OK. SMILE!”

- Put the paper beside a bottle of water right next to the bed

The END:

- When I wake up, read it and drink the bottle of water

Yes, it’s simple. With this new understanding, it in fact helps me have an awesome sleep.

Everything starts from understanding you.

In order to be who you truly want to be, you will have a few things to consider to get your mind and body on the right track. Rather than respond to it or keep it out of sight, because you can’t improve it; once you reveal it, you’re much more able to improve, control and defeat the situation. 

Whether it’s alcohol or having a cheat day... 

Instead of being ashamed and constant cycles have been running patterns in your head…

Here is a simple 3 step system, so you're not...


Staying awake at night, and... 

Staring at the ceiling. 

1. Before heading out… make sure your workout clothes and shoes are in a bag and placed by the front door.

2. Right before sleeping... have 2 tall glasses of water or biosteel. Also have tylenol or Advil if you have a great night.

3. The next day after... have 1 bottle of coconut water. Don’t skip breakfast/brunch and make sure you workout today or the following morning.

You’re fine.

It’s bound to happen.

Just have a plan.

The limitations you thought you had... are gone.

That way you will have a good sleep and tomorrow, both you and I will have a great day. 

The bigger the barrier you break to pieces, more success is right behind you. 


Arthur Kiyaga

Arthur Kiyaga helps high performers & ambitious brides-to-be calm the chaos, lose 2 to 18 pounds and reach new levels of positive energy using C.H.E.F. methods. He makes things super simple to understand. If you're interested to be the best version of yourself and change your life, then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.

Partners/Couples Workout - Part Nine


Tamari And Honey Chicken Drumsticks