Both Standards Help You

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What’s your number? 


Keep it in your head. We will get to that later. 

You have a confidence number.

A number that makes you feel remarkable. 

Your mood is at an alltime high and you trust the process.

Bank account ending balance.

Amount of sales.

New clients. 



Quality sleep hours.

Text messages.


Your mind will usually default to what you got if you don’t define what you actually want.

Think about the number and write it down.

This week, if something keeps you awake at night, sick with worries... 



Probably hesitation.

...I want to let you know that you are much better than what you truly believe.

Whether it’s financial, mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual, it all comes down to a principal. 

The “real” training starts when the actual training stops.

Day to day I want you to slowly evolve to become the best version of yourself.

Slow-ly, is how you quickly transform your body, mind, and emotions. 

For example, one of my students will do a small workout 2x alone per week.

Another student will drink more water.

And another student will increase workouts to gain energy and strength.

The principle is pattern recognition. 

Change your view on a situation to help you achieve your goals.


For the situation you wrote down your confidence number, what’s your panic number?

A number you’re thinking, “Oh shit! I can’t go under that. No way!”

It could light a fire under you.

It could motivate you.

It could keep you in check.

Typically you are sandwiched between confidence and panic level.

Whatever your panic number is, day to day or week to week, I want you to slowly move that number toward your confidence number. 

Again, slowly is everything.

Make that adjustment and both your confidence and panic number will move towards your target.

You're smart. 

Also, you are much better than you think.

Everything you need is in you.

Once you find your number, use this pattern recognizing principle, you’ll be able to quiet your mind, focus clearly, be free to learn, and have fun.

You understand where you are and the rest takes care of itself.


Arthur Kiyaga

Arthur Kiyaga helps high performers & ambitious brides-to-be calm the chaos, lose 2 to 18 pounds and reach new levels of positive energy using C.H.E.F. methods. He makes things super simple to understand. If you're interested to be the best version of yourself and change your life, then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.

You’re In Charge!


Let's Start From The Beginning