You’re In Charge!

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At first I got it completely backwards. 

When you hear the word.

See it as a term. 

Deep down inside, you’re annoyed.



“Limitation." all you can think about. 

Behind closed doors, you’re trying to figure out ways to please yourself.

A part of you doesn't feel in charge when “diet” comes up.

You’re not alone.

Millions of people blame themselves. 

They are unrealistic about what they can actually accomplish and don’t set themselves up for an amazing journey. 

You’re not the problem. 

The system you’re operating in, is.

The traditional method doesn’t allow you to be happy.

I’ve realized that some aspects of life, you do not have direct control over, but what ends up in your mouth is not one of them! 

We need to plan out a route that is more enjoyable and simple for you.

You want to go from A to Z.

Look in the mirror.

Be confident.

Feel great in your skin.

Create positive energy.

Feel excited and live your life.

Every new nutrition plan whets your appetite for a taste of success.

But when no one is looking, you sneak to eat another cookie. 

You don’t have to struggle with this for life.

Instead of myself, the media, or nutritionists...

Let’s focus on YOU.

Together, we highlight and BUILD on successful nutrition habits you have.

With your busy schedule and other circumstances, things come up. 

A demanding meal plan will be irrelevant and annoying.

That is why we have to create a new way to think. 

A “new normal”.

Reprogram your energy.

Restructure a system that you’re in charge of.

Make powerful adjustments so small that it doesn’t feel big and is very manageable.. 

One of my students would always eat what she wanted and it started catching up. She has a sweet tooth and always ends up eating things in her kitchen. 

She tried keto diet for 3 months and felt tired and sluggish. By the end of 3 months, she gained all the weight back.

When she started working with me, she didn’t think she would get the results she wanted in 3 week progress. She felt the time was way too short.

Like I said earlier, let’s focus on her.

Emotions will give in to cravings.

I needed her to do something small and differently.

Rather than signifying what you eat as “diet”, I use “feedback loop”. 

Energy, execution, excitement, and feedback.

First you have “Energy”.

This is the input of everything you're doing. 

Clear goals, planning, and self discipline.

Second is “Execution”.

This is the process of what you’re doing.

Working out, sleep, eating right, water, and meditation.

Third is “Excitement”.

This is the results and making progress to what you’re doing.

Mirror, compliments, body fat, and clothes fittings.

Fourth is “Feedback”.

This is the link that connects you back to “Energy”.

The feedback loop happens daily, weekly and monthly in your amazing journey. 

With “Energy” and “Execution” keep everything small and simple. Everything goes faster and you’ll feel remarkable when you increase or decrease your energy and/or execution.

The student felt really good because she made small adjustments. 

It was easy to follow because it didn’t feel like a “diet”. 

In 10 days she was surprised to see her pictures and changes that happened in a short amount of time.

The answers have been inside you all along.

In order to self heal... 

Choose wisely. Use moderation. Maintain balance.

Your body, waistline, and mind will thank you for it. 


Arthur Kiyaga

Arthur Kiyaga helps high performers & ambitious brides-to-be calm the chaos, lose 2 to 18 pounds and reach new levels of positive energy using C.H.E.F. methods. He makes things super simple to understand. If you're interested to be the best version of yourself and change your life, then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.



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