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It's Not You (It's Your Machine)

Tired after work? 

Everything you attempt seems average?

My plan was to sleep 8 hours a day -- I was overwhelmed and stayed up to complete many daily actions last week. 

I know.

I get it, covid-19 is difficult.

You told yourself 3 weeks ago that you’re going to eat healthy but in moderation.

Started fine. Yet, you don’t want next month to repeat again.  

But did you know, the food giants have got us hooked?

Looking from a different perspective, you have to understand everybody has a goal.

Once you comprehend their intentions and have awareness, then… 

...a problem is not a problem. An obstacle is not an obstacle. 

We just have to fix the machine and guide you through the system you are currently operating in. 

Here’s the problem:

It is not your fault. 

All the food giants know what they're doing. 

They not only dominate grocery shelves, they also play on your natural needs of taste and convenience.

Grains have been converted to starches.

Sugar has been converted to concentrated form.

Fat has been converted to trans-fatty acids.

Makes you want to come back for more.

It costs you money and affects your health.

You need to fix this. 

It’s simple.

A small adjustment to your brain and schedule. Undo the knots, so it’s not your whole life.

It’s part of your life. 

Here’s how to fix this:

Well the best way I can describe is…

CAR = You

Picture your body as a car. 

Ferrari, Bentley or Toyota. 

Whichever you like.

Car = You

ROAD, WEATHER & TRAFFIC = The amazing journey in life you have to go through

Your car looks remarkable and safe at a carshow.

However, that’s not what a car is assembled for.

Driving with family and friends or work activities, having music or podcast on and enjoying yourself is the purpose of life.



Awful weather.



Cold start. 

Hot start. 




...makes it normal for a car to have damages. 

Car = You

Roads, Weather & Traffic = The amazing journey in life you have to go through

FUEL = Diet

Every now and then, when you stop at the red traffic light, you hear a noise. 

Looking at the dashboard, the car needs fuel.

You think it’s solved. 

Whenever you put premium fuel and wash the car...

...it’s a mirage because you still hear that noise and sometimes it won't start.

(Diet could be a 28-day keto plan, intermittent fasting, weight watchers, cabbage soup or full body detox.)

Physically, mentally and emotionally you don’t feel as great as you want to be.

Car = You

Roads, Weather & Traffic = The amazing journey in life you have to go through

Fuel = Diet

ENGINE = Metabolism

Once you open the hood and figure out how the engine is performing, you’ll have all the answers you need. Complexity within the engine, carburetor and fuel injection would have to be perfect in order to not have an issue. 


You’ve tried everything.

All the diets didn’t work.

Counting calories and working out...

...gives you average results. 


Here’s a blindspot you might want to look out for.

Maybe you’re not detoxifying your body properly.

Maybe you’re not having regular bowel movements.

Maybe you’re not drinking enough water.

Maybe you’re focusing too much on the diet.

Maybe your metabolism is low and no matter what you do, doesn’t work. 

Slow metabolism burns calories slowly. 

Fast metabolism burns calories quickly. 

Or maybe it’s from all the years of stress and emotional building up have cause for you to not perform at your best. Unless you reset or fix your metabolism (which is the engine) you won’t have awesome results.   

Try this:


When you wake up in the morning…

Prepare a small, healthy afternoon snack and take it with you.

An apple, banana, almonds, rice cake. 

It’s healthy but PORTABLE and SIMPLE. 

It gives you the tools and equipment for the battlefield.

The battle begins at 10am and ends at 3pm.

10am - 3pm.

Just those hours are 95% of your day to lose the battle of who you want to be.

When you prepare a healthy afternoon snack is easy and important because…

At breakfast, you wake up at home and you can eat something healthy.

At lunch, you won't eat too much because you have a snack.

At dinner, your blood sugar is more stable and craving is low because your willpower is high. 

Car = You

Roads, Weather & Traffic = The amazing journey in life you have to go through

Fuel = Diet

Engine = Metabolism

MECHANIC = Coach, trainer, doctor, accountability partner 

Everyone is different. 

A perfect meal for me could be poison for you. 

To lose weight, be healthy and achieve what you want to achieve...

Learn from yourself, your body, your actions and your results.

Look at your machine (you) and think…

“Which stage is breaking down?” 

But, if you’re tired of being in that perpetual cycle...

Don’t have the skill, knowledge or time to manage your health and fitness, and...

Never have to worry again...

Hire a mechanic so you can go do what you truly love doing.

Listen more than you talk.

Implement your plans more than you announce them.

Have a beginner’s mindset instead of a veteran ego.

The ending of those last 3 sentences was me.

It didn’t get me far.

But it’s your time and I can’t wait for that amazing smile because you conquered your obstacle.  
