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One Step Closer

Magnus Carlsen.

Who is the current world chess champion, was asked by Charlie Rose.

“Show me what a professional (chess player) does?”

As he waved his hand over the board, with comfort and ease, he said:  

“Before the game, you adjust the pieces so everything is in harmony.”

“When I move the piece, I do it very quietly and put it right in the middle of the square.”

“Of course there is usually a plan.”

“I try to direct my pieces so that I work together in harmony.” 


Scottie Pippen -- arguably one of the best defenders in the NBA.  

Was asked by Tracy Mcgrady how he would guard James Harden who was dominant, could not be stopped, and is left handed.  

Scottie Pippen, without blinking an eye, said:

“You have to start guarding James Harden when he gets out of his car, going into the arena.” 


Mark Walhberg -- in Spenser Confidential -- instructed Winston Duke character:

“Hips. Hips. Turn. Turn.”

“You got to turn your hips.”

“You don’t need muscles to knock somebody out.” 

In other words.

Great feet and great hips happen before your arms gently throw a great punch. 

There is a lesson here.

You probably do not like chess.

Could not see yourself playing basketball.

I am guessing you have not punched someone.

However, great minds.



No one can deny how awesome you are at work.

People say extraordinary things about your wisdom, skills, and personality.

Yet, your inner voice has a conversation with your soul.

“Not sure what to eat.”

“Will that exercise really get us in shape?”

“We do not have time.”

“We tried everything and feel stuck.”

“Willpower is hard.”

“F-it! Let’s skip today because it really doesn’t matter.” 

At times things appear chaotic and out of your control.  

You see dangers and obstacles (that are not there).

You are already thinking too far ahead. 

The process does not have to be learned. 

You know it. 

All that is needed is to unlearn the harmful habits and form a good routine. 

Do not try to over focus.

Keep it simple.

Your battle is won before it is fought.  

Brains do not have a priority list when you are talking to your boss, editing a speech, or deciding what toothpaste favor you should buy.

It stores what you give.

To use it effectively.

Why not give your brain constructive material before heading to bed.

After work or prior to going to bed, plan tomorrow, today. 

It makes everything easy.

Your subconscious mind does the work and your brain is ticking without you even knowing. 

No need for thought.

It will uncover many of the secrets that cause issues and limitations. 

You are one step closer adding more detail and vivid colors towards your vision.
