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Wait! Before You Use The Axe…

I did everything the hard way. 

Adding more, surprisingly got me less. 

Billionaires, grandmasters and human beings who are fit, feel good in their skin, are extremely confident and somehow...  





They live in the same world yet view planet earth completely differently.

Before I listened...

Whenever I saw an axe, I would start chopping the tree immediately.

I didn’t think.

I didn’t stop.

I didn’t step back, look and reflect.

My ambition was high but my plan was nonexistent.

(Don’t think like this)

Now I listen...

Everything I failed at gave me strength. 

The silly & foolish arrogance, of believing I had the answers…

Are gone.

Before you take positive action.

Before you draw up a crystal clear blueprint...

Stop! Wait!

Take a deep breath and clear your mind.

Here’s the coaching truth: The most important element is having self-awareness and understanding the governing laws surrounding you. 

Even someone who’s strong, works hard, will probably give up and won't cut down the tree or it will take them an insane amount of hours, days, weeks and months...  

...if the axe is dull.

A brand new, razor-sharp tomahawk, with an individual that doesn’t have the skills or knowledge... 

...will also take just as long. 

I should have paused, sat down and defined what the “actual” problem is.

Is my axe sharp? 

Why do I need to cut down the tree?

If the tree falls, where will it land?

Did I check my health?

To allocate all my energy (time and money) is it useful?

What skills and knowledge are required to make it more efficient?

Is there enough water?

Did I bring another axe if this one I’m holding breaks? 

What if there’s another tool that doesn’t need my effort (sweat, blood and tears)?

Not just a tree and an axe. 

But in every facet of life. 

A brilliant plan that only gets you halfway there, is a failed plan.

A brilliant plan that could have gotten done a lot faster and way less energy, is an unsuccessful plan. 

A brilliant plan that’s proven, is everything.

Trust meeeeeeee!

It’s extremely difficult to place my ego on hold.

The essence my idols, mentors, teachers, family, stroke and seizures taught me was...  

Listen! Don’t analyse it and just implement it. 

My old paradigm wouldn’t have allowed me to evolve into my new mind-set. I’m nowhere near the pinnacle of my mountain, but I’m learning every hour and I want to help you.

Instead of struggling with a problem, and... 

...you wonder why other people just make it look... 


...you first have to address that something is wrong.

Solving a problem is DEFINING the problem.

Take a minute, a day or a week to determine what the cause is.

Fixing repeating patterns and errors will make sure you can do more with less.

Having wisdom, knowledge and self-awareness gives you clarity.

Also, acknowledging that billionaires, grandmasters, fit individuals know what their cause is and live happy lives. 

The magic happens when you consume and soak in the information and implement it. 

Quotes can condense 4 pages into 4 words. I wrote everything above to say:

“Measure twice. Cut once.”

That way you will have an easy, fun and exciting life that’s aligned with your purpose.
