Wedding Workout Guide 3 of 4


This week, we’ll be showing you how to tone your arms. There are four exercises in this workout. Each exercise should be performed 3 times (aka 3 sets).

Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments.

Here’s what we cover: 

When it comes to simple workouts, these ones take the cake. Use items you already have at home for weights if you don’t already have some! 

Makeful partnered with Arthur Kiyaga of to help you get in shape for your wedding day. These workouts are fun, easy, and can all be done with minimal equipment.

1/4 – Pushups + Plank Shoulder Taps

  • 20 to 60 secs (depending on skill level) = 1 SET

  • Take a 10 sec break in-between sets

  • Goal is to complete 3 sets

2/4 – Dips

  • 8 to 12 reps (depending on skill level) = 1 SET

  • Take a 10 sec break in-between sets

  • Goal is to complete 3 sets

3/4 – Hammer Twist Curls

  • 8 to 12 reps (depending on skill level)  = 1 SET

  • Take a 10 sec break in-between sets

  • Goal is to complete 3 sets

4/4 – Skull Crushers

  • 8 to 12 reps (depending on skill level) = 1 SET

  • Take a 10 sec break in-between sets

  • Goal is to complete 3 sets

Resources mentioned in this video:

1. Wedding Workout Guide 3 or 4 VIDEO  —  view it here  ( Arms )

Congratulation on your engagement and we hope your wedding day is extraordinary!

Sonia Vukelich & Arthur Kiyaga

Behind The Scenes

Thank you Roxy & Makeful

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Hey, what's going on. It's Arthur Kiyaga here from get wet and fit dogs here. And I've worked with a bunch of brides. And today I'm going to help you get toned and sexy and looking amazing for your big day. AKA your wedding. The first group of exercises we're going to do is call the pushup plank whip opposite shoulder tap, and why this is amazing is you're going to be able to call those arms without using a lighter space or equipment. Alright, give me that plank or lift for about a second. So, you know, she's holding that plank, then you're going to climb up beautiful shoulder top or down into a plank and then blow up again. Beautiful. You want to try and keep your bum down and engage with the core amazing. And the second exercise we're going to work on is very simple. All you need is a chair. It's going to help pull those price up your shoulders, a bit of the back and keep you looking at for it. Dipped down. Beautiful. See that one more? Beautiful, nice. Not a third exercise. We got this called the hammer twist curl. And the reason why it's really good is because it's combining a bicep curl with a hammer curl. And by doing that, you're going to keep those arms honed Chris sexy. And when you're walking down the aisle, you're going to have portal confidence, nice and easy homes here, engage with core.

Alright, so the last exercise we're going to work on the arms with tornadoes FYSEP. It's called the skull crusher. We're going to be laying on their back, extending out by our ears. The names are aggressive, but it's an effective exercise to make sure that your arms stay toned and lean and set up. Now that we worked our arms, they're going to be really confident in your wedding dress and walking down the aisle. And I can't wait for your big day. And it's really important when the photographer asks you, what's your good side. If you do this correctly, every side is your good side.

Arthur Kiyaga

Arthur Kiyaga helps high performers & ambitious brides-to-be calm the chaos, lose 2 to 18 pounds and reach new levels of positive energy using C.H.E.F. methods. He makes things super simple to understand. If you're interested to be the best version of yourself and change your life, then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.

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