Wedding Workout Guide 4 of 4


Get your heart rate up and break a sweat (without having to spend an hour on the treadmill) with this conditioning workout.

Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments.

Here’s what we cover: 

Makeful partnered with Arthur Kiyaga of to help you get in shape for your wedding day. These exercises are fun, easy, and can all be done with minimal equipment.

This conditioning workout is easy to follow and super simple, so you don’t have to waste too much time at the gym trying to figure things out. Let your confidence build, and trust the process. You can do it!

There are 4 total exercises in this workout. Each exercise should be performed 3 times (aka 3 sets).

1/4 – 3 Point Lunge Jumps

  • 20 to 60 secs (depending on skill level) = 1 SET

  • Take a 15 sec break in-between sets

  • Goal is to complete 3 sets

2/4 – Ike Shuffle (Legs) + Ski Hops

  • 25 secs of Ike Shuffle (Legs) + 5 sec BREAK + 25 sec of Ski Hops = 1 SET

  • Take a 10 sec break in-between sets

  • Goal is to complete 3 sets

3/4 – Running High Knees + Jumping Jacks

  • 25 secs of Running High Knees + 5 secs REST + 25 secs of Jumping Jacks = 1 SET

  • Take a 10 sec break in-between sets

  • Goal is to complete 3 sets

4/4 – Dumbbell Wood-chops

  • 25 sec LEFT SIDE + 5 ses REST + 25 sec RIGHT SIDE = 1 SET

  • Take a 10 sec break in-between sets

  • Goal is to complete 3 sets

Resources mentioned in this video:

1. Wedding Workout Guide 4 or 4 VIDEO  —  view it here  ( Conditioning )

Congratulation on your engagement and we hope your wedding day is extraordinary!

Sonia Vukelich & Arthur Kiyaga

Behind The Scenes

Thank you Roxy & Makeful

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Okay with Arthur Kiyaga now the next group of exercises that we're going to work on conditioning. Won't be too crazy. You don't have to run on a treadmill for hours. Just a little bit of space here. I'm going to show you how to get it the middle. So the first exercise we're going to do at this three point and job, it's a little bit complicated at the beginning, but once you get the rhythm and the flow, it's very simple. Keep your hands here. Repeat that one more time. Second exercise will be guided. It's called the icky shuffle and the ski jump. So all we're really doing is using our arms like we're skiing, eeky shopper, and then we're going to be going back to side. Beautiful, beautiful.

So the next exercise we've got for, it gets very, very simple. If running high knees on the spot, and then from now, we're going to jump into jumping Jack, make sure you're getting your knees up and for your jumping down to make sure you get nice and warm. Now we're talking Nate. Hey, beautiful. The last exercise we've got for our conditioning at the dumbbell Woodcock. So you want to have your feet, shoulder width apart, keep your arms straight. So when you born up and down into motion, you're going to be able to get your heart rate up all called pointing other pressure. Beautiful. Okay, Phil, we just wrapped up the last exercise for conditioning, as you can probably touch it a little bit out of breath, but that's all right. It's all good. So remember if you want more workouts for your weddings, make sure you check out [inaudible] dot com.

Arthur Kiyaga

Arthur Kiyaga helps high performers & ambitious brides-to-be calm the chaos, lose 2 to 18 pounds and reach new levels of positive energy using C.H.E.F. methods. He makes things super simple to understand. If you're interested to be the best version of yourself and change your life, then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.

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