What's Your Full Name?

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I’m guessing if your partner orders or cooks the exact same dinner, every evening, you’d be disappointed.

I’m guessing if you get an identical gift, for all your birthdays, deep inside you're angry.

I’m guessing if you have a carbon-copy workout, every session, you’d get frustrated. 

Lack of variety doesn't excite you.

Switch the variables.

Change the scenery.

Do something completely different.

Maybe your new action makes progress.

Or what you were doing before, feels just right.

What’s your partner's full name?

Where did you meet your partner?

What’s your partner’s favourite movie?

What city and country was your partner born in?

Use the letters (below) to plan out your workout.

If you don’t have another profound question, apply the answer above... backwards.


a - 30 reverse crunches 

b - 12 squat jumps

c - 90 sec plank

d - 40 jumping jacks

e - 20 burpees 

f - 12 spiderman pushups 

g - 30 crunches

h - 10 dips 

i - 20 mountain climbers

j - 12 pushups 

k - 10 tuck jumps 

l - 30 sec plank

m - 10 squats 

n - 60 sec side plank (L)

o - 30 russian twists

p - 40 running high knees

q - 15 burpees

r - 60 sec side plank (R)

s - 50 calf raises

t - 40 mountain climbers

u - 20 v-ups (situps)

v - 10 plank up-downs

w - 5 min jog

x - 10 burpees

y - 15 sec spirit 5x

z - 24 lunges  

Arthur Kiyaga

Arthur Kiyaga helps high performers & ambitious brides-to-be calm the chaos, lose 2 to 18 pounds and reach new levels of positive energy using C.H.E.F. methods. He makes things super simple to understand. If you're interested to be the best version of yourself and change your life, then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.


Partner/Couples Workout - Part Ten


Tuna & Potato Salad With Orange Dressing