Why Not?

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You haven’t stepped on the scale in months. 

3 to be exact. 

It’s Monday. 

Professional athletes can sit down with their accountant to see how their spending habits correlate with the team’s performance and their personal season highs and lows. 

But all this is recorded in their bank statements.

University students can sit down with a guidance counselor to see how their GPA is often reflective of the ups and downs of adolescent life. 

Yet, all this is recorded in their essays and exams.

At the start of each month, my mentor has us set our targets and reverse engineer our actions towards our goal.  

Numbers do not tell the full story.

Sometimes everything is chaotic. But a great accountant, counselor, and mentor will read your situation, point you in the right direction, and structure your pathway to achieve success. 

Instead of giving you fat-burning supplements.

More cardio.

The most harmful time to eat.

Counting every calorie.

Talking about my philosophy.

I must first understand…


Both external and internal.

Where are you now?

What is your vision and mission?

What is stopping you?

When is this expected?

I listen to everything that already exists in your heart.

All the core forces are at play so I can feel, smell, and taste what your desires are.

Once it’s thoroughly done correctly, and you are committed to your vision and mission, I’m able to deliver profound results.

It goes deep, but I engineered it so it’s a simple step-by-step, connect-the-dots approach.

Accountants have tax season. 

Counsellor knows when the report cards are out. 

You're amazing, creative, and hardworking.

Whether it’s weighing in, tracking your measurements, counting resting heart rate, or uploading photos on Monday (or whenever you choose)...

...it provides you with a starting point. 

When things are visible and recorded, you're able to improve them. It re-connects your body, mind, and emotions.

Reversed engineer. 

Become aware of what works for you.

Trust the process.

Focus on ONLY what is most important, right now.

It doesn’t make sense why you love the things you love. 

When you have love for anything, you push yourself outside of your comfort zone. 

Along your journey, there will be celebration and frustration.

To bring your vibration to a higher level, why not…

Channel your love and any energy.

Control any anger.

Harness any impulses and aggression.

Study your good habits.

...towards your mission?

You’ll feel so good at night when you put your head on your pillow because you know you got that much closer towards your vision.

It won’t happen over one night.

But, every week you'll see progress and it is so worth it.


Arthur Kiyaga

Arthur Kiyaga helps high performers & ambitious brides-to-be calm the chaos, lose 2 to 18 pounds and reach new levels of positive energy using C.H.E.F. methods. He makes things super simple to understand. If you're interested to be the best version of yourself and change your life, then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.


Even If It's Slow, Start


Partner/Couples Workout - Part Eighteen