Believe In Yourself

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Good and bad.

Behind closed doors.

When nobody’s watching, she is.

Presenting yourself out to the world.

People will tell you “no”, 100 different ways.

You will have challenges, setbacks, victorys, wins and losses, yet...

She’s always there with you.

All your blinds are shut.

However, in your window, she can still see your beautiful heart, soul and mind.

In the morning, right before you opened your eyes, she said: “Absolutely. I’m ready.”

Clearly she loves you.

As you developed, acquired more knowledge and evolved...

She also does the same.

The better version of yourself, is her hero.

You in 1 week.

You in 1 month.

You in 1 year.

Design your future-self and make that person, whoever you truly want to be.

You’re amazing, driven and confident.

I’m going to guide you through the maze all my successful student’s have gone through.

However, as a coach/trainer, I want to challenge you with 2 ideas.


Everyday, believe in yourself.


Convince your shadow (aka the woman I wrote above), that both of you are worth it. 

To fuel your mission and motivate you...

She will give you a little push forward that you might not have had.

By chasing your future-self...

You’re born in an environment where your thoughts, choices and actions, will not only make her proud...

It will change your life and you will breathe a different air.

Together, I want you both to act as a whole.

Not an individual.

But a great team.

Tomorrow, I want you to build on the harmony you both created. 

You can do it!

You can grab it! 

You can do the little things that no one else (except your shadow) will see.

Let go of yourself, so you can grow and become that person.

Along your journey, things will change and you will see amazing results.

Your shadow believes in you.

I believe in you.

This is your time and I also want you to believe in yourself.


Arthur Kiyaga

Arthur Kiyaga helps high performers & ambitious brides-to-be calm the chaos, lose 2 to 18 pounds and reach new levels of positive energy using C.H.E.F. methods. He makes things super simple to understand. If you're interested to be the best version of yourself and change your life, then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.

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