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It Felt Wrong

Before I start…

I want you to ask your mom or dad…

“How many times did it take me to comfortably ride a 2-wheel bicycle?”

(I’m waiting for the answer...)

One of my doctors asked me what I was doing before I was training brides-to-be and Google employees.

I couldn’t say the word because at the time, I just had a serious stroke.

I used my body language to express my thoughts.

She was shocked!

“Hockey!?”, she said. “Floor hockey?” 

I used my hand to say, “No. Ice hockey. I’m not great. I’m not good. I’m decent.”

She said, “Well, it probably took a lot of hours and practice.”

Then it hits me…

We can get good at anything with “practice”.

(It will take longer and you won’t be motivated.)

We can get phenomenal at whatever you want by doing “deliberate practice”.

(The strategy is to ensure that you follow the steps of someone who is already where you want to be. It won’t be confusing and it will be exciting because you know you're getting better.) 

I’m guessing...

Your mother or father said it took you more than your first time? 

If not…

(clapping my hands)

For the REST of us….

We fell.

We had a bruise. 

We cried. 

Think about your...

First kiss. 

First job.

First driving by yourself.

One of my mentors told me I have to separate the data from the drama. In order to make the unbelievable believable, we have to understand the power of ONE. 

Not 1,000.

Not 100.

Not 10.

Just 1.

Taking that FIRST step is utterly important.

A kiss might turn into an extremely fun time or a baby...

That job may one day allow you to make millions of dollars and you are truly helping people…

Driving by yourself gives you a more independent feeling…

Once you can fully ride a bike, you don’t THINK about riding the bike. 

It’s become automatic. 

Your main concern is the road, cars, people walking, traffic lights, music you're listening to and your to-do list. Now, you actually don’t know the learning process and you have to literally sit down and retrace all the steps to remember what has been internalized and forgotten.

We seem to understand this with a bike.

But not...

Speaking another language, training for an event, business, life and skating. 

Maybe you’re at the starting line and don’t want to move. You’re feeling overwhelmed and legitimately scared. You think you may take a spill now, in the middle or at the end. 

I hear you.

When you fall in anything…

It hurts and is painful. You remember it and don’t want to try it again because of all the agony. 

All the skating forwards, backwards, turning around and handling the puck felt EXTREMELY wrong for the first time. It was foreign and nothing felt perfect.

Am I gifted or talented? 


Did I fall?


I fell in practice.

I fell in a lot of my games.

I fell in the previous video.

I fell in spelling and reading. 

I fell in training.

I fell in... life!

I just know I can’t grow, mentally and physically, without falling and making mistakes. 

My coaches, deliberate practice and the strength of my parents made sure that I always stood up and made me a decent skater. 

For your health and fitness journey, I guarantee you won’t be decent.

With all my experience, sound knowledge and revolutionary thinking, I will….

Make sure that your FIRST step is unharmed and reliable.

Look and analyze things you can’t see, early. 

Show you how to not “fall off the bike” again.

Add your hunger to be amazing with my proven system.

Safely stretch your current ability.

Let you lean on me for support along the way.

One of my students Kaley said…

“I had expected that he would whip me into killer shape (which he did!). I had seen him work his magic with a few of my friends who were totally transformed for their wedding day. I had not expected that training with Arthur would change more than just my body. Arthur pushed me farther than I ever thought I could go and I learned never to sell myself short. He taught me that passion and persistence always pay off and I learned not to give up.”

Another one of my students Jaime said…

"It was the best thing we could have done. We lead busy lives, so it was fun to do an activity together during the week. With the help of Arthur’s encouragement and genuine commitment to my goals, I felt beautiful (and confident!) on our wedding day... and honeymoon! Arthur SOMEHOW makes hard core workouts fun and without realizing it, I was in the best shape of my life leading up to our wedding."

And another of my students Michelle said…

"From the beginning he was so supportive and kept pushing me to work my hardest, while always making me laugh. I never thought I could look the way I do now and that is all thanks to Arthur." 

My mission is to make sure that you’re stunning, become confident, a positive person and the best version of yourself.


P.S. This video was the last time I skated before I had my stroke and seizures.

P.S.S. Now, I can walk and I am thankful for everything.