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Pros & Cons Teach You The BIGGEST Lessons

It’s been a rough day.

Last night when you slept…

You were staring at the ceiling...

Stayed up all night.

Now you wonder…


“I don't get it.”

“I’m trying.” 

“I'm doing everything but I can’t see the results.”

That’s good. 

Before taking action…

Before drawing a plan or a blueprint…

The first step to change anything is to truly become aware of it.

Right before my first blog…

I thought I could articulate everything in my mind and soul. 


It didn’t make sense. I would see the letters and numbers and THOUGHT it was easy. When I buckled down and read anything… clearly my comprehension, speaking and typing was poor. 

My mentor told me…

“Is the glass half full or half empty?”

“Is a crumpled a hundred dollar bill, still a $100?” 

“Is it how you see yourself or how other people see you?”

“If you don’t think you’re good at something, it’s a self image and it can restrict you.”

At that time, all my... 

Belief systems.






(which is my mental awareness)

...limited me!

Of course I’m thankful for my family, doctors, teachers and you.

But I’m extremely grateful with my laptop.

The dictionary and thesaurus app and “Hey Siri, how do you spell…” is profound. Highlighting a word, sentence or paragraph and right click on the “speech”...

Flushed out all the delusions.

Makes someone who has aphasia and can’t spell to someone who feels hopeful and optimistic.

What motivates you?

What triggers you?

What do you like and don’t like?

What is the hidden reason that drives you every morning?

What beliefs do you have?

Beliefs systems can hold you back.

Here’s the cool thing. 

We can easily fix all of this. Keeping it “simple” is what my mentor always told me. So tonight you will sleep like a baby and tomorrow you will feel empowered. The essence is to identify your pattern and the trends that occur. 

We all forget that…

BOTH pros and cons are extremely important and valuable. 

Often there’s too much emphasis on the outcome (weight, body-fat, calories and steps). 

If it works…


If you’re always wondering…

“Why?” or “How?”

Track your input.

How many bottles of water did you drink?

What time did you go to sleep?

What exercise did you do?

Were the reps easy or hard?

How fast did you run?

So you’re not injured, what stretches did you do? 

What protein did you have?

There’s plenty more. 

Yes, there are other things that are way more important. However simply track one or two, so you know what a pro and con is to you. 

Externally you don’t see a difference, but something has changed. 

Internally your mindset has! 

It brings something that you were previously unaware to your mind.

A day won’t make sense.

You will have alcohol, cheat days and sleep in. 

That’s totally fine.

After a week/month, now you use the metrics and redraw the blueprint.

Cons --- spot the trends earlier. 

Pros --- double down and take massive action to hit your goal(s).

Countless individuals wait until the end of the year to file their taxes. With health and fitness I do not want you to ever get to that point. 

Focus on 1 or 2 things. 

There’s apps, spreadsheets and programs that make things too complicated.

The problem is we look at too many metrics.

If it’s built on a lot of metrics, chances are you don’t know what going on.

Keep it simple.

There are a lot of numbers.

Just find the number for whatever input you deem.

That’s the base. 

Next week/month it’s a pro or con. Positive or negative. Up or down. Certain or doubtful.

For both extremes... 

You want to understand, find those little things and direct your energy to your goal(s).

If you look at your best week/month and worst week/month…





Things tend to creep when you don’t even know it. 

1. Track it.

2. Spot the pattern. (Every end of the week/month, analysis it)

3. Keep going. (Do this thing and watch what happens. Don’t do this thing and watch what happens. Change on different things.)

4. Track it.

5. Spot the pattern.

6. Keep going.

Iterate until you hit your goal(s). If not, your…





...will point you in the right direction and figure out what is blocking you.

Master’s in every field limit the amount of metrics they look at so they can figure out what’s going on. It’s very hard to use the pros and cons, and not make changes in your life. 

In my speaking and typing, it definitely worked for me!

When you are made aware of things, and they are measurable, your behavior changes. 
