Turn On Both Lights

Turn On Both Lights - DDUKA

You’re alone.

For whatever reason, you decide to walk down the stairs towards your friend’s basement that you haven’t seen in ages.

Suddenly, all the power and lights are off. 

You look in all directions. 

Thoughts are going through your mind.

Determined to fix the situation, you walk around but hit something that breaks.


The battery in your smartphone is dead.

You put your hands out to touch the wall... 

...taking baby steps...

...hoping to find the light switch.

Now, you meet the cold unknown and unexpected feeling.

The beginning of your amazing journey is very similar. 

Taking immediate action at this point is intimidating and difficult. 

Science says, the shortest distance between...

...where you are now to where you want to be... 

...is a straight line.

Yet, your personal commitments, work pressure, and family stress won’t let it be that easy.

There is a smarter way to live.

Fear isn’t real. It’s all in your head.

But let me give you an example to cement this point.

Whenever you’re in the dark... 

...what you see right now will be very different... 

...than what you see when you have someone with you, holding your hand, holding a flashlight and knowing the correct advice to guide you to achieve your desired result. 

That person will tell you what you’re going to feel…

...before you feel it. 

Unconscious becomes conscious.

Now you have the agility, confidence and enthusiasm to accomplish your goals.

Unless you’re nocturnal and you have done this before…

(I’m guessing you haven’t)

Here are 3 concepts that will dramatically change your view of starting something new.

By using a proven framework system, it will quickly get you toned and fit during the times whenever you feel stuck.

Let’s say there are 3 steps:

Step 1 is awareness.

Step 2 is the blueprint.

Step 3 is daily actions. 

If you do these steps, in this order, you will have everything you need and want.

Step 1 is your awareness. 

This is the first crucial stride for your amazing journey.

I know you're optimistic and want to go fast. 

You need to go slow. 

You need to think deeply.

You need to figure out and be honest about your emotional eating trigger foods and the exercises you enjoy and hate. Acknowledging what’s worked for others and what holds you back is extremely important. 

The reason we are doing this is to have the raw ingredients that will create the next step.

Step 2 is your blueprint.

How often should you workout? 

What should you eat? 

And when? 

Are you doing the right exercises? 

How do you deal with stress?

The reason we are doing this is by having a personalized blueprint allows you to accept, adapt and hurdle these questions. It’s important to have a roadmap and plan that is part of your life -- not your whole life.

Step 3 is your daily actions.

Tomorrow and how you look and feel at the end of your amazing journey, always starts today. Once you have clarity, all you need to do is to focus and complete your daily action items.

The reason we are doing this is executing your actions, without a personalized blueprint or without self-awareness is like you...

...running through the dark…

...without a flashlight and…

...no one is around who could guide you through a basement you haven’t been in ages.

All 3 steps plug together. 

Implement them for your health and fitness journey. 

It will not only make your life easier, because you have less stress, you will also know exactly when and what to do. 


Arthur Kiyaga

Arthur Kiyaga helps high performers & ambitious brides-to-be calm the chaos, lose 2 to 18 pounds and reach new levels of positive energy using C.H.E.F. methods. He makes things super simple to understand. If you're interested to be the best version of yourself and change your life, then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.


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