Wedding Workout Guide 2 of 4
This week, we’ll be showing you how to strengthen and tone your back.
Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments.
Here’s what we cover:
Makeful partnered with Arthur Kiyaga of to help you get in shape for your wedding day. These workouts are fun, easy, and can all be done with minimal equipment.
This week, we’ll be showing you how to strengthen and tone your back. There are 4 total exercises. Each exercise should be performed 3 times (aka 3 sets).
1/4 – Opposite Arm/Leg Lifts
45 sec = 1 SET
Take a 15-sec break in-between sets
Goal is to complete 3 sets
2/4 – Reverse Angels
40 secs = 1 SET
Take a 20-sec break in-between sets
Goal is to complete 3 sets
3/4 – Bend-Over Flies
8 to 12 reps (depending on skill level) = 1 SET
Take a 10-sec break in-between sets
Goal is to complete 3 sets
4/4 – Plank Dumbbell Rows
6 to 12 reps RIGHT HAND (depending on skill level) + 10 sec REST + 6 to 12 reps LEFT HAND (depending on skill level) = 1 SET
Take a 10-sec break in-between sets
Goal is to complete 3 sets
Resources mentioned in this video:
1. Wedding Workout Guide 2 or 4 VIDEO — view it here ( Back )
Congratulation on your engagement and we hope your wedding day is extraordinary!
Amanda Fusco & Arthur Kiyaga
Behind The Scenes
Thank you Roxy & Makeful
Okay. Hey, what's going on? It's right Arthur Kiyaga from gateway to [inaudible]. Now we're going to focus on our back, make sure it's tone, sexy and sleek. So whether you got a backless dress or you just want to make sure for those pitchers, you're looking good at every angle I've got you covered. So the first exercise we got for our backup, the opposite arm and leg lift, it's really good for strengthening your lower back and toning your mid and upper back.
All. So the next exercise we've got for our backers reverse angels, and that's very simple, but it's highly effective for toning every aspect of your back. Okay. So now the next exercise we've got for turning our back is bent over flies. And the reason why it's really good, it's going to help tone your arms and your upper back as well. All right. So now the last exercise that we've got for our back, it's a plank dumbbell rows, and the reason why it's really effective it's because not only do you work in your arms in your back, or you engage in your core as well. So that wraps up all the exercises for our back. And I'm really excited for you because you're going to have all the confidence that you need for your magic.