
From recipes to workouts and articles. Here you'll find resources that help you lose weight, have self-assurance and be the best version of yourself.

It Felt Wrong
Articles Arthur Kiyaga Articles Arthur Kiyaga

It Felt Wrong

Taking that FIRST step is utterly important.

A kiss might turn into an extremely fun time or a baby...

That job may one day allow you to make millions of dollars and you are truly helping people…

Driving by yourself gives you a more independent feeling…

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Who Am I Becoming?
Articles Arthur Kiyaga Articles Arthur Kiyaga

Who Am I Becoming?

It will set you free. It will unlock the gates and obstacles aren’t obstacles. The self is an illusion built up of stories in the past. You will sleep great at night because you’re in line with your purpose.

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Your Block
Articles Arthur Kiyaga Articles Arthur Kiyaga

Your Block

When I was waiting in the hospital bed…

And I was awake and knew what was going on…

I told my sister to film me. I didn’t think it would be significant. No scripts. Just one take. I talked and it became “Give Up!”. 

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That's Why We Love You!
Articles Arthur Kiyaga Articles Arthur Kiyaga

That's Why We Love You!

When I was a beginner coach/trainer I thought that me, doing everything hands-on, was noble and best for my students. 

My mentor said…

“You don’t get it. You can’t see everything because you're ‘in’. You have to move ‘out’ and guide them so they can get the result.”

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"What Equipment Should I Buy?"
Articles Arthur Kiyaga Articles Arthur Kiyaga

"What Equipment Should I Buy?"

It really doesn’t matter what kind of equipment you buy. 

All of the top trainers/coaches are creative and have such mastery that each one of those equipment can be used for each part of your body. 

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Give Up!
Articles Arthur Kiyaga Articles Arthur Kiyaga

Give Up!

I could give up. Say “fuck it!” My life is over. I could give up doing my meditation… I could give up reading... I could stop posting... I could give up taking my pills… (shake my head from side to side)

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Gratitude Jar For Couples
Articles Arthur Kiyaga Articles Arthur Kiyaga

Gratitude Jar For Couples

This Gratitude Jar For Couples is a jar that contains your happiest and grateful moments of each day (week, month or year). I trained with a lot of couple before my stroke and seizures… It really gave me a different paradigm of relationship. To win the championship (or the ring) you don’t have to win 82 games or win every game… We have to be more grateful at the time.

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